Getting close to close (T-3 days!) I've been taking advantage of some major UK jet lag, and starting the days super early - this weekend, on house stuff, this week, on work – which gave me the liberty of taking a late weekday afternoon drive out to the 'burbs to meet with suppliers and my architect.
Saturday I spent the morning picking out plumbing fixtures. I understand from Mary Ann, the uber capable sales rep at Ferguson's, that for many folks, this is a hated chore, but I had the best 3 hours of the week in that place! We selected a tub, kitchen sink, kitchen faucet, bath faucets, shower nozzles, shower sprays, bath plumbing, a powder room sink, and a washer and dryer. Big check mark. Ferguson's was actually my second stop – the other recommended supplier was practicing some serious sales avoidance – I arrived at opening at 9am, and the two folks working (e.g. chatting with one another) were uninterested in helping me without an appointment. (There were no other customers!) Before I left, I made sure the saleswoman knew I was there to make selections for three baths and a kitchen – but she made sure I knew that she only talks to customers with appointments. In the words of Julia Roberts a la Pretty Woman "Big mistake. Big. Huge." So, commission check goes to Mary Ann. And thanks for the Diet Coke and fresh baked cookie – nice touch!
I was less successful with tile – at store A, the sales rep held a Sales Avoidance master's degree. Ok, on first visit they were busy, so I understood need for appointment. But when I later returned the store was empty, and I'd called ahead - I found that my interest in pursuing border options for a marble shower was not a shared interest. (Perhaps there were ghost customers I couldn't see.) Anyway, I collected some samples and moved along to tile store B – where I knew I was in trouble when I had to explain what 2 inch marble hex was, let alone then the 10 minute scurry to see if any was around. The highlight of the visit to store B was running into my good friend C - and later enjoying a soda and reno recap at her beautifully remodeled vintage home.
The moral of this story: stick with what you've found that's good. I have really enjoyed shopping my local tile outlet, where I can peruse a large showroom at all hours of the morning and evening, move things around to see how they fit together, and then cart away loads of samples to play with at home (at this point I could start a showroom on my patio!). And the prices are 1/3 to 1/5 what I was seeing for "comparable" products in the other showrooms. I use the quotes around "comparable" because I appreciate there may be a quality differential between my generic ($6-12/sq foot) and the other showroom's name brand goods ($15-40/sq foot) - even though they look identical. Utilizing the outlet supply will allow me to afford marble where otherwise I'd be in much more basic ceramic/porcelain territory. So – the outlet wins, and my architect/GC is fine with sourcing there.
Which brings me to today's meeting with E – the architect/GC. Off to a good start in terms of draft plans, we were able to talk through the details today, in the company of Frieda, the coolest dog on Earth. I know he's terribly busy, but he had lots of time for my first-time reno questions and naïve challenges (e.g. What do you mean my $4/sq foot tile is actually $15-17/sq foot installed? – more on that later, but hint: the basement will now be carpeted, and shocker - wood is less expensive than porcelain tile when install costs are factored.) We nailed down preferred door, stairwell, and bathroom layout issues. Sub-contractor walk through is scheduled for next week, after which I can see whether I've blown the budget and need to cut back, or we can proceed with what is a great plan. I'm really looking forward to meeting the guys that will be working on my home!
As mentioned – close is on Friday. I'm toying with the idea of camping at the house this weekend so I can really understand how it works. Saturday I have a big delivery from Home Depot arriving which I'll document separately: Hello, garage organization! (And then off to select lighting, which will be fun, fun, fun as my Arch/GC has a negotiated discount at my fav lighting store in the city.) Friday evening post-close a woman is swinging by to look at all that needs to "go": tub, vanity, current lighting, some cabinets, washer/dryer, all light fixtures, powder room sink, toilets, mirrors, doors, etc. She runs a company that sells these unwanted items to folks that want them – and removes them in the process, saving on demo costs (and putting a little $ in the guest bedroom furniture fund). Here's hoping she wants to sell what she sees! (I'll circle back to you all on this one!)